 N8103-142 SAS Controller driver for Windows Server 2012 
Software name   : N8103-142 SAS Controller driver for Windows Server 2012
Registered name : 421430-B01_635035191608950389.zip
Copyright (C)   : LSI Corporation
Models          : See below
Operating system: See below
Software type   : Windows Driver 
File Type       : zip file
[ About the software ] 

 "N8103-142 SAS Controller driver for Windows Server 2012" ("the Software"),
  for Windows Server 2012 will make the enhancements or solve the issues 
  for NEC Express5800 server products as below.

[ Models, OS and software revision to update ]

The following servers with operating system and driver versions stated below
require the driver update:

 - Models:

 - Operating System:
   -Windows Server 2012 Standard 
   -Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 

 - Update history
  April 2013
   <Enhancements to be made>
   1)Support Windows Server 2012

 Read the following User License Agreement ("Agreement") carefully. If you do
 not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you must not download
 the Software. Downloading the Software indicates your acceptance of the terms
 and conditions of the Agreement.

[ User License Agreement ]

 NEC Corporation ("NEC") grants you the right to use the Software under the
 terms and conditions of this Agreement only in the country in which you
 acquired the Software. You shall agree to all provisions of this Agreement and
 assume responsibility for selection, installation, use and effect of the
 Software purchased for your desired effect.
 1. Terms 
 1.1 This Agreement shall come into force on the date of your receipt of the
 1.2 You may terminate the license granted hereunder by notifying us in writing
     at least one month prior to the desired termination date.
 1.3 NEC may terminate the license granted you hereunder at any time if you
     fail to comply with any terms and conditions of this Agreement. 
 1.4 The license to the Software shall remain in force until the license is
     terminated on the date set forth hereunder. 
 1.5 Upon termination of the license, other rights granted you hereunder shall
     also be terminated. You must destroy or dispose of the Software, any copies
     of the Software and manual and other materials provided with the Software. 
 2. Copyright 
 2.1 The Software shall solely be used in the NEC Express5800 servers.
 2.2 NEC grants you the right to use the Software only in the country in which
     you acquired the Software in accordance with the conditions of the
     preceding paragraph.
 3. Copying, altering, and combining of the Software
 3.1 You may only make one copy of the Software solely for a backup purpose,
     provided, however, that the copy of the Software is loaded into permanent
     memory of the system. You may store the Software solely to prevent damages
     or loss of the memory media.
 3.2 You shall place the copyright notice and other legends on each copy of the
 3.3 You may not use, copy, alter, combine, publish, reproduce the Software over
     the Internet, or otherwise dispose of the Software except as provided in
     this Agreement.
 3.4 You may not copy, publish the manual or other related documentation
     provided with the Software, or reproduce such manual and documentation over
     the Internet.
 3.5 No intangible property right to the Software shall be transferred to you.
 4. Transfer
 4.1 You may assign your rights granted hereunder to a third party only if all
     conditions below are satisfied: 
     a. You shall assign and shall not retain this Agreement, the Software, all
        copies of the Software, or the manual or other related documentation
        provided with the Software. 
     b. The transferee agrees to this Agreement.
 4.2 You shall not sublicense, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the
     Software or the right of use to any third party except as provided herein.
 5. Reverse compile
 You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise disassemble the Software.
 6. Limitation of warranties
 6.1 The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. In no event
     shall NEC be liable with respect to any claim by you on account of or
     arising out of the use of the Software.
 6.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in case NEC
     makes any bug-fix version to the Software, NEC will, at its expense,
     furnish you with such bug-fix version, update version, or information in
     relation to such bug-fix or update version both in the source code form and
     object code form, and such bug-fix version or update version shall be
     considered as the licensed Software.
 7. No liability 
 In no event shall NEC be liable for any indirect or consequential damages or 
 loss of profit or damages based on any third party claim, even if NEC has been 
 advised of the possibility of such damages. 
 8. Others 
 You must agree that any disputes concerning this Agreement will be settled at 
 the Tokyo district court as the exclusively appointed court. 

[ Driver update procedures ]
 Perform the following steps to extract the Software and install the driver.

 - Confirm Driver version.

 (1) Boot the system and log in it using administrator.

 (2) Run Explorer and open the following folder.


     SYSTEMROOT's default is C:\WINDOWS

 (3) Open the properties of "%SYSTEMROOT%system32\DRIVERS\lsi_sas2.sys".

 (4) Click [Details] tab and confirm the [File version].

 If the File version is or over, you don't need to setup driver.

 - How to extract:
 (1) Download 421430-B01_635035191608950389.zip.
     to any directory. (for example, "C:\TEMP" folder) 
 (2) Extract 421430-B01_635035191608950389.zip.
     Note: You must not use the folder with the name including space (" ")
     in extracting the zip file.
 - How to install:
 (1) Execute Update.vbs(unziped files) using an appropriate tool 
     such as Explorer.
 (2) The following message appears. Please click [Yes].
     [Do you want to setup the LSI Adapter, SAS2 2008 Falcon driver?]
     Start driver update.
 (3) The following message appears. Please reboot the system after click [OK].
     [This setup finished successfully. Please restart the system.]

 (4) After restart system, confirm Driver version following procedure.
     1) Run Explorer and open the following folder.
     2) Open the properties of "%SYSTEMROOT%system32\DRIVERS\lsi_sas2.sys".
     3) Click [Details] tab and confirm the [File version].
     4) Confirm to File version is

[ Trademarks and copyright ]
  *Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server are registered trademarks or trademarks of
   Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
  *LSI and the LSI logo design are trademarks or registered trademarks of 
   LSI Corporation.
  *All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the 
   trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.

Copyright NEC Corporation 2013