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NEC Express 5800 Windows® Server 2003 x64 Editions Support Kit

NEC Express5800/120Eg

Model Codes:N8100-1078F/1079F

Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Support Information

Windows 2003 x64 Editions is available for the above models by applying NEC Express5800 Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Support Kit.

NEC Express5800 Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Support Kit, downloadable from the links listed in the tables below, is a generic name of the module groups for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions.

About Installing Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions

The installation procedure is detailed in the Install Manual downloadable from this page.
Read this manual carefully before installing NEC Express5800 Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Support Kit.

  • Download necessary driver modules for installing Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions and expand them on floppy disks or other media.
    Refer to the Install Manual or Readme.txt included in each module for details on how to expand the modules.
  • Upgrade install is not allowed for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions from the existing 32-bit edition. It must be installed anew.
  • Installing Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions may fail if a magneto-optical disk drive is connected during installation process. In such a case, disconnect the drive and resume installation from the beginning. Refer to the relevant user's guide on how to connect or disconnect a magneto-optical disk drive.
  • A floppy disk called OEM-FD for NEC Express5800 is required to install Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions on a hard disk drive connected to N8103-80F/81F array controller. The OEM-FD for NEC Express5800 contains the drivers required while installing the operating system. Refer to the Install Manual on how to prepare OEM-FD for NEC Express5800.
  • "EISA Configuration" (partition) may be displayed in a disk area.This is a partition for maintenance to save configutration information and utilities. This partition must not be deleted.
  • In case installing N8103-75 SCSI Controller, update the SCSI driver after OS installation. Download the Driver Update Module for Adaptec Onboard SCSI [AIC-7902/AIC-7902B] and SCSI controller [N8103-75] from this page.
  • Apply the correction module of Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions before installing the network driver, otherwise the event log may not be referenced when activating the network driver.

    Occurence condition: Connectiong Gigabit Ethernet Controller at line speed of 10Mbps
    Target unit: Gigabit Ethernetequipped as standard and N8104-103/112/113

    Contact your service representative to obtain the update module.
  • Transition to hibernation state or standby state while connecting a disk array controller is excluded from our support.
  • When power suppy is cooperating with UPS, change the AC-Link setting from "Last state" to "Power On" in the System BIOS.
  • Use the EXPRESSBUILDER shipped with the main unit to install the Express Messaging Service.
    The installation procedure is detailed in the online document "Express Messaging Service Installation Guide" included in the EXPRESSBUILDER.

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Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Support Kit

[Download modules]
Module Name Download Size Date
Operation Manual
Operation Manual Details
199KB 21/10/2005
Drivers for Window Server 2003 x64 Editions
NEC Difference Module Details 8,922KB 21/10/2005
Drivers for Optional Hardware
Update Module for Adaptec Onboard SCSI
(AIC-7902/AIC-7902B) and SCSI Controller [N8100-75]
Details 192KB 21/10/2005
Fibre Channel Controller [N8190-120] Driver
(Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Support)
Details 272KB 02/06/2005
NEC ESMPRO Manager, Agent List - 02/06/2005
PowerConsolePlus List - 02/06/2005

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